IMPORTANT REMINDER: If someone from calls you, they will never ask you for your username and password combined with personal information and/or Secure Access Code. If this happens, please hang-up and call our Customer Service Line (800) 892-8798 immediately to report the incident.

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Manage Your Finances

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  • See all your accounts in one place, even from other banks.
  • Do transfers to and from an external account and your Spend account.
  • You are in charge. Customize your dashboard the way you like it.
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Use the app to budget and squeeze the most out of your money.

  • Pay Yourself First. Set aside money into your free add-on Goals account(s).
  • Easily see what you spend.
  • Identify trends.
  • Monitor cashflow.
  • See your net worth.
  • Detail of liability balances and last payment amount.
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check your credit score, it’s easy!

Easily see your credit score, get the factors that impact your score, and what you can do to strengthen it.