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Account Details Overview

The Transactions page includes the following Information:

Information on the Transactions page
Name Description
Account Name The default name for the account or a custom nickname that you create in Settings.
Current Balance The current balance for the account, not including any pending credits or debits.
Available Balance The available balance for the account, including any pending credits or debits.
Transactions The first 100 transactions in the account, according to the current sort order. At the bottom of the page, you can go to the next page to view the next set of 100 transactions.

The Account Details & Settings page may include the following information:

Information on the Account Details page
Name Description
Account Name The default name for the account or a custom nickname that you create in Settings.
Account Number The full account number.
Routing Number The full bank routing number for our parent bank Liberty Savings Bank. Use this routing number when setting up online payments on other websites.
Current Balance The current balance for the account, not including any pending credits or debits.
Available Balance The available balance for the account, including any pending credits or debits.
Settings Change the account display name, display on home page, display in financial tools.

For more information about changing the order of the transaction list, see Sorting transactions.

For more information about exporting records from the transaction list, see Exporting transactions.