When you add a linked account in online banking, you have the option to select Visible or Hidden.
1. Click on Account
2. Click on Details and Settings
If you select Visible, the account appears on the Home page and you can access the details about it. It also appears on the Account Preferences page and you can edit the nickname, change the order in which the account appears, etc. The account is also aggregated (that is, included) in cPFM.
If you select Hidden, the account does not appear on the Home page. It appears in the Hidden section of the Account Preferences page where you can modify its visibility if you change your mind, but you cannot edit the nickname, reorder the account, etc. Also, the account is not aggregated in cPFM calculations.
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What does it cost to use mph.bank?
There is only one monthly $9 membership fee that’s easy to avoid!
Simply make 15 purchases each month with your mphCard it waives the only fee on the account. This also unlocks additional goodies. You could make $$$ with monthly Referral Rewards* and also earn 0.55% APY* interest on your Spend account balances.