Due to the time of the year, beware of potential fraud. If you receive a call or text claiming to be from mph.bank or Liberty Savings Bank do not reply. Call customer service immediately at (800)892-8798.

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Aggregated Accounts

There are many types of online banking accounts, and not all are compatible with common aggregation methods. cPFM utilizes multiple aggregation sources and uses an aggregation engine to provide the best possible coverage.

Note:  Do not confuse linked accounts with external transfer accounts. In online banking, you can only display data about linked accounts. For external transfer accounts managed on the Add External Accounts page, you can transfer funds between accounts at your primary financial institution and external accounts after two micro deposits are made to ensure your ownership of the account, as well as our financial institution’s ability to move money to or from it.

Note:  You can only link accounts from domestic, US-based financial institutions.